48 pages, Grades Preschool-3, Fiction/Picture Book, ISBN-13: 978-0545731669.
Robinson is written as a fictional adventure mixed with a personal life's story of the author's name. The story is about love, friendship, overcoming fears and being who you are. It shows the story of a boy who loves adventure, a mysterious ocean journey through the boy's dream and being alone in a remote island wilderness. Peter, who is the main character in the story is rounded by friends who have shared a common passion. They all love pirates! Yes, Pirates. So, whenever there is a school activity, especially a costume party, they know what to wear. A pirate costumes! Boys have been wanted to be pirates, but Peter's mother suggested him to be Robinson Crusoe, who is the main character in his favorite story. He was excitedly said yes, his mother made it personally for him and went to the party. But after his friends saw him, they laughed at him and he just decided to go home and sleep. While sleeping he dreamed of being on an Island and learn to be brave, and not be affected by peer pressure.
This book will teach kids to be who they really want to become and not only go with the flow. Most of the times, kids nowadays act base on what they friends want them to be and not what they want and what they know is right. It will also teach kids to respect others' opinion and decision, give importance to the friendship they made no matter what the differences they have and learn how to bravely express their feelings. This is a good picture book as well, pictures are very attractive and magical that readers will stare at the pictures on each page of the book. The author did a great job in making the reality to a fantasy and then fantasy to reality again.
Reviewed by: Jonna L.
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